memorial to the emperor

美 [məˈmɔːriəl tu ðə ˈempərər]英 [məˈmɔːriəl tu ðə ˈempərə(r)]
  • 网络表章;美芹之献
memorial to the emperormemorial to the emperor
  1. In1927 , Japanese Prime Minister Giichi Tanaka proposed the Tanaka Memorial to the Emperor , suggesting to set forth Japan 's plans for foreign conquest .


  2. Tiaoyi Haifang Shiyi is Guo Songtao s memorial to the emperor during the Westernization Movement , which shows his unique view of prosperity and power .


  3. He should go on an inspection tour around his administrative region in August every year , reviewing the lawsuits , inspecting the official achievements , and presenting a memorial of his inspection to the emperor at the end of the year .
